My husband was asked to preach in Florida and wanted me to go. I, of course, as a protective mom thought of 101 excuses why I should not go (although in the worse way I wanted to go but with the kids). Its too hard to leave the kids costs too much...a week is too long...the 3 hour drive to Detroit airport can be treacherous this time of year...and so the list went on. But in the end I became submissive to my husband and we compromised on some of my concerns. Now that we are back home I feel ashamed that I was so anxious...the kids did great together...we found a excellent price on tickets....we went 5 days instead of 7...the drive to and from the airport was fine...and we've never had such a smooth flight and perfect 80 degree weather ever. It was a good trip together and we feel that our 'batteries' are charged again. We have come home to some needs in the congregation and personal trials but God has used our time of 'recharging' both physically and spiritually to prepare us for this. Below are a few pictures for you to enjoy. I still am amazed each time of the beauty of God's creation and just love to think and meditate of the greatness of our Maker.

We left at 6:50 am and were privileged to see the sun rise from above the clouds out our plane window.
The cute little place that we stayed at - the beach was right accross the road.
Here is our little 'house.'
A pier which had a restaurant for fishermen.
One of the unique houses along the beach. Pssss - it happens to be for sale
This was the only entrance into their house.
The Pathway to a beach.
This was a different beach then where we stayed. To get to it we had to walk down a tree lined pathway (above). As we came to the end of the pathway this is the sight which met us - breathtaking!!
The water was so amazing - we walked 3/4 of a mile out at low tide and were only up to our knees. We saw many living 'creatures' in the water.
I know they can be a pain but I think these birds are still beautiful - their feathers are so white.
The setting sun.
Happy and content just being together!!
Wow! What a treat to have had that time together....and in warm weather, and with a warm sea!! Don't you love that you just *have* to do what hubby says - otherwise you'd have missed out on that!